Monday, June 2, 2014

A Criminal Defense Attorney Will Protect Your Rights

Criminal Defense Attorney
If you have been charged with a crime, a criminal defense attorney can help. It is imperative that you hire the right attorney because a criminal charge and conviction can impact the rest of your life.  Your freedom can be taken away, and even minor convictions can hurt your job prospects and ability to maintain custody of your children.  This is not a risk worth taking.

Under our legal system you have the right to a public defender.  Many of these lawyers are passionate about their job and defending people’s rights. The challenge is that they are typically overworked and have a huge caseload. This does not provide them with the luxury of time to investigate the facts of your case and to build a strong defense. The result is that many public defenders will negotiate a plea deal on behalf of their clients instead of fighting the charges altogether. 

You don’t have to settle your case if you are innocent.  An experienced and aggressive criminal defense attorney can fight for your rights, your innocence, and your freedom.  The Law Offices of Martina A. Vigil are experienced with all types of criminal cases.  We understand the effort and dedication it takes to mount a strong legal defense and work with our clients every step of the way to present the strongest case possible. 

If you are arrested, it is important to remember your right to stay silent and your right to an attorney. If you invoke your rights, the police cannot ask questions without your attorney present.  This will ensure that you are not a victim of entrapment or a coerced confession.  These activities still happen today and the only one that can protect you is your attorney.  What you say in holding, in jail, or during an interview can and will be used against you in a court of law.  Do not trust anyone outside of your legal counsel.

Once retained, we will represent you at your bail hearing and try to get you out of jail quickly pending trial.  This will allow you to spend your time at home preparing for your court case.  We will ask a lot of questions to find out all of the details surrounding the events leading up to your arrest.  This is important because it allows us to launch our own investigation that is separate from the one conducted by the police.  We will gather our own evidence, interview witnesses, and build a case that we can use as an argument to what the state will say when prosecuting you before the judge.  Anyone that you can think of that can help confirm your version of the facts is important for us to speak with. 

As a criminal defense attorney, we understand that everyone’s financial situation is unique and many people have not saved up for this type of a case.  There are several ways to pay for your defense, so please don’t let money prevent you from calling us.  Contact the Law Offices of Martina A. Vigil at (714) 543-5840 to get the help you need in order to stay free.