Monday, May 4, 2015

How a Domestic Violence Attorney Can Help You During a Divorce

As a domestic violence attorney, I have worked with clients that have been accused of domestic violence during their divorce proceedings.  Unfortunately, this is an all too common of an occurrence during contested divorces.  Often when one spouse wants to have an advantage in a custody case, for example, accusations of domestic violence can surface.  What had been a normal argument or disagreement can be painted as a violent encounter, regardless of whether it actually was one.  If you feel that your spouse is going down this road, I recommend that you contact my office to discuss this possibility and to develop a strategy for protecting yourself.

Although I will be representing you in criminal law court, a domestic violence charge and subsequent conviction will influence your case in family court.  For example, if you were to be convicted of domestic violence it would change your overall custody case and could even lead to the court issuing orders restraining your from your wife and children; even if your children were not present. I have seen judges order supervised visitation merely because someone has been arrested for a domestic violence crime. Therefore, protecting yourself is important both for your freedom and for the future relationship you hope to maintain with your children. 
A Domestic Violence Attorney Can Protect Your Rights.

As a domestic violence attorney, I will work diligently to ensure that your rights are protected. This starts by discussing with you the accusations and the alleged incident in question, even if formal charges have not yet been filed. I will want to know if anyone was present that could offer an eye-witness testimony and I would discuss any evidence that may be gathered in your favor.  In any criminal case, it is important to gather evidence that can be presented in a trial in order to counter what is being presented by the prosecution.  Everyone is innocent until proven guilty and the prosecution has the burden of proof to demonstrate that you did indeed violate the law.  My job is to provide enough reasonable doubt that a jury would either hesitate to convict you or acquit you all together.  While there is no guarantee of what the outcome of a case might be, what I can guarantee is that you will receive the best possible legal defense.  This involves spending the appropriate amount of time in preparation for your trial.  Keep in mind that if you are suspicious that your soon-to-be ex spouse will lie about domestic violence to gain an advantage in family law court, I can advise you of your options.  I can even talk to the District Attorney’s Office BEFORE formal criminal charges are filed; possibly saving you the embarrassment of a public criminal allegation.

When to Contact a Domestic Violence Attorney:
If you believe that you might be accused of domestic violence, you should call my office right away.  It is never too soon to start preparing for this possibility and the additional time allows for additional preparation. Remember that everyone is innocent until proven guilty but that also means that innocent people can be arrested, charged and tried for a crime.  Do not take your freedom and reputation for granted but instead, work with an experienced attorney that can protect your rights under the law.